Monday, August 30, 2010

Underground Cowboy Vampire

I came up with this little story that I want to make in to a screenplay. Its about Rednecks that are murdered in Texas by Cowboy Vampires who don't like big trucks.

A very successful soundman engineer type said to me "Submit to achieve"

It was in an Marijuana Anonymous meeting , *( yes , they do have those ) in North Hollywood where I discovered an individual from the entertainment industry who said to me "Submit to Achieve" . At the time I thought of it to be a logical discription of maybe a guideline of practice in otherwords..."Drop what you are working on my desk and if someone likes it there will be a check in it for you at the close of the roundtable where we slowly pick apart and re-assemble your work in a fashion we deem profitable "

This was at the time typical practice. Its well known in Woodland Hills' that producers , much
like the ones who handle talent such as MJ, LW, and BS. will say that when you enter a position of business, like that of a Limited Partnership , or single case agreement for the ability to co-write , direct or in anyway resemble an affiliation with an artist will simply "absorb" your catalog of historical works and in doing so claim rights of creativity if they at anytime discover material in your works that they can use, with little or no regard for what you have done or how many hours you toiled on a particular project it is now included in the corral of the partnership relationship.

With that said, when a producer likes your work ...when...well. lets say you are a media artist. You have a 3 minute concept piece that you shop in HD/STEMP and it would be great for a contempoary artists to manicure this look and feel with a producer to promote this artists latest release. During the process you have shared a few concepts that can be used as spin off or sequels to your original piece and the producer has expressed interest in you investing hours with his artists' team to make it "a good fit" and you take this as an invitation to mold the second number so that it will easily work with the next release.

What to do next ..? a producer who you meet says "Submit to achieve" you drop a copy of what you worked on for the last 20 studio hours and it gets on the table rather than the cutting room floor. With this "Submit to achieve" method the most you will ever get is an honorable mention at page 32 of a production reel moving too fast to focus on , and a bill for the 20 hours of booth rental. The producer himself thanked you in person and within hours of cutting the final tape for air on Wisney Channel, or ENT he has already forgotton your name.
The truth is that since the late 90s the producer is in just as a precarious position as the creative director or the marketing guy. The Corporation that feeds the system also needs the system.

Dont be a victim.
Release everything you have independently isn't the answer but establishing a time line for your creations, with a logical chain of custody and keeping in close with that chain of custody. Here is something I do when Im working on a project. I write up a description , maybe take a few pictures and put em in an envelope and mail it to myself. I can also do this just a easily with email but not as usable to create a papertrail as email time codes can be forged.

I have been writing music for over 25 years. The fun part is that a majority of my recordings are still floating around in space, cyberspace and otherwise. If I didnt have a handle on the people who are on those recordings I would feel uncofortable releasing or committing to conditions . But things like networking software enable us to connect and re-connect virtually as the individuals of that particular program or arrangements may have gone the seperate ways .

Friday, August 27, 2010

My son is so much cooler than I am ..

This is
Waylon ...
He is just over 6.
Since Zachary was born my whole life has spun in an opposite direction.
He is so willing to participate. It is an honor to know him. And I thank god that he and his mother ( my wife, anita ) are in my life.
But there is a problem and it has been there since day one. Archotypically speaking my son will
be my ruin. He is gonna shadow me for as many as 13 more years and then I find that my demise is certain. For those of you who know me the eventual and obvious breakdown that will occur is inevitable.
He will eventually be the king.

Freakfase Ceremonium Release party 2010 Reseda CA

( Gearmo plays some DryWater Classics )

Seen here freakfase guests and Principals
( D. Mercer , K. Grossman, J. Peters , Brian Jacobson, Mark Williams and Elliot Mercer )

One of the highlights of the 2010 Summer Sessions was the trip to California for the Freakfase Ceremonium Record Release . Dave Mercer was appointed the West Coast Principal in charge of talent and management and James Peters was on hand to autograph and share copies of the Rip Box set with fans and musicians who made it to the event.
It was kinda scary as the Laker game was going on at the other end of the room and the bar was full of hoods. So we took some of our people and a crate of beers and sodas and regrouped at a local hideout. Too bad I probably wont see these people for a while as I do not intend on returningto California until it becomes a more emotionally stable environment.
There is one thing that has changed and I believe it is Medical Marijuana. California is stoned, and pill poppin to the point of delerium...totally beyond what is acceptable behavior,
I love it. I love that I am not raising my son in Reseda ,
I love it that I can go home .

Interested in Awesome Metal Guitars

I grew up in Reseda California in the Metal years.

I lived across the street from Danny Olexyowics. He was the first guy I knwe with a Charvelle Jackson. The original San Dimas with 3 pickups and a floating trem and nut. As I grew up I often asked him to check out guitars I made and he would say simply that it wasnt a question of

the guitar but the wide fretboard needed to do some more elaborate scale runs. I at the time was clueless.

He brought a guy names Joe Holmes to our street. Crazy wild eyed young man with a 4 finger fret stretch tecnique. ( This was just Before Vai and way before Satriani, or Yngvie hit big- I say that because he was in "Steeler" and already very popular in the San Fernando Valley )

Joe later left his Valley Band Tarriff and at one point was an Ozzy Osbourne pick for touring after Brad Gillis and Jake E' Lee's short appearances in the mid 80s,

It wasn't until I saw exactly what Joe was doing that I recognized how awesome tricks like
tapping , dive bombing whammy bends, and finger grease techniques ..completely accelerated by a wide unglossed fretboard. ( oh and scallopped frets would be the next step )
I later played a Charvelle Charvette that was on the wall at Cowboy Star Guitars in Santa Barbara . It was smaller and liter than the San Dimas and the locking nut was odd to adjust but I wasn't turned on enough to buy it. As at the time I was a 12 string guitar guy doing alot of composition but ot alot of shredding.

It wasn't until nearly 10 years later that I bought a Peavy Spyder with a Floyd Rose Tremelo before I could combine trickery of the level I witnessed back in Reseda, and by that time everyone was doing it. Hair bands had started going over the top and the band I was in was doing psychedelic rock. I tride to keep the bar chords in the mix ..and somehow that band then turned grunge. so it eventually worked. I kept the spyder while playing in the band "Beatrice".
The Peavy eventually found its way to a friend of the family who passed away somewhere in "Farmersville CA" . It would be another 10 years before I sought another Metal lord guitar with a floating tremelo.
It wasn't until this April 2010 when I was in a Guitar Center in Dallas and discovered this Red Beveled Design, Rhoads JS 30 RR . I had just competed in the Guitar Center King of the Blues competition and been rewarded with a discount coupon card. For some god awful reason I felt the urge to spend money and hanging as a wall display was this model. I think initially the salesman ( or boy ) said that it most resembeled the ( ESP design for Alexi from Bodom' ) yet the
bevel was a design that Jackson tried on its limited number of Indian imports . The uncommon feature on this guitar is the steller Floyd Rose unit. Its light too under 7lbs, makes up for the awkward body style that typically makes these guitars difficult to play if you have a beer gut.
I have played it mostly thru a BOSS overdrive into the Raven 60. And for a while thru a Crate 2x140 into a Marshall lead cabinet that my homie in Greenville let me borrow. My ears star hurting after about 10 minutes and my fillings in my teeth do not like the high end at 100 watts.
Recently Ive decided that I'm selling it for under $400. simply because Im over 40 and its just so self indulgent to sit at home and shred on an awesome guitar .

Interested in guitars that have a story

This is an Estate find from a small country house in Terrell Tx. My wife and I went down 3 dirt roads to discover this wonderful Yamaha SA15 fom back in the late fifties ( early 60s model is most common )

This guitar was known as a backpacker and originally created in Japan by Yamaha to be less weight and referred to as the suggested
guitar of G.I.'s serving the military at the time due to its light weight and great sound whether plugged in or left unplugged.

I have done some action adjustments and have few complaints about the guitars playability beyond the fact that the Low ( E string) rumbles a bit when played open. The strings I use on this one are wound and snake skin like stainless steel vintage strings not serated wound nickel. This gives it a great Banjo-like ring when playing chords on the
lower frets ( 10-14 ).

As this guitar is an ongoing restoration It is suggested with great TLC.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Recession has destroyed creativity in America

Since January 2010 I have witnessed the slow decline of commitment across the board in American middle class lifestyles.